Results & Discussion
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Executive Summary ] Contents ] Introduction ] Theory ] Procedure ] [ Results & Discussion ] Conclusions ] Recommendations ] Appendices ] Grading Sheet ]

This section should first present the every experimentally measured quantity (both values and uncertainties). It should describe how you determined the uncertainty. Next it should present each computed value and its uncertainty. You should tell how each quantity was computed (e.g. refer to an equation in the theory section). If there were intermediate calculations that you aren't reporting, describe how they were performed. You should also refer to an appendix that takes one (or more if necessary) of your measured quantities (along with its units) and shows each computation. This appendix should also show your calculation of the uncertainty in each item. The results may be presented as single values, in tables or in figures, whichever conveys the message most effectively. You should not, in general, present the exact same information in both a table and a figure.

As each result is presented, along with its uncertainty, you should discuss whether the resultant value makes sense, whether it agrees with theory (to within its uncertainty) and what are the major contributors to its uncertainty. If different sets of measured or computed quantities can be compared, this should be discussed. You should also note any peculiarities in the results. After all the results have been presented, you should assess how closely you were able to meet the objectives you stated in the introduction. For each objective there are at least three possibilities: 1. You feel that the objective was met and you have confidence in the outcome. You should state this and recommend (in the Recommendations section) that the project move on the next logical phase. 2. The objective was met, but you feel that there is significant uncertainty in the conclusion. In this case you should identify the source of the uncertainty and make a recommendation (in the Recommendations section) for action that will remove the uncertainty. 3. The objective wasn't met. You should state why it was not possible to meet the objective and recommend actions (again in the Recommendations section) to be taken so the objective can be met.

last update: 01/24/00

Dr. Carl Lund
306 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: MWF 4-5 PM, anytime I'm free, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2211

Mr. Chimin Sang, Teaching Assitant
322 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: 4-5 W, 3-4 F, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2226