Home General Info Mock Expt CSTR Distillation Bubble PFR


Executive Summary ] [ Contents ] Introduction ] Theory ] Procedure ] Results & Discussion ] Conclusions ] Recommendations ] Appendices ] Grading Sheet ]

The table of contents is obvious. At the minimum it should list each of the major sections of the report and their page numbers. A more complete table of contents will also list each figure and table with their page numbers. If this is done, the figures' and tables' titles should be used; figure numbers and table numbers aren't very informative. If figures and tables are included in the main table of contents, they should be indented from the main subject headings. Alternatively they may figures and tables may be listed in a separate section of the table of contents, following the main contents.

last update: 01/24/00

Dr. Carl Lund
306 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: MWF 4-5 PM, anytime I'm free, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2211

Mr. Chimin Sang, Teaching Assitant
322 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: 4-5 W, 3-4 F, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2226