Home General Info Mock Expt CSTR Distillation Bubble PFR


Executive Summary ] Contents ] [ Introduction ] Theory ] Procedure ] Results & Discussion ] Conclusions ] Recommendations ] Appendices ] Grading Sheet ]

The Introduction should begin by giving the background for the study; it should paint the big picture. In this course, you'll have to extract this from the lab assignments. You may feel free to embellish upon the handouts.

After giving the overall picture, the introduction should next explain why this study is being conducted. That is, what information is needed by the company in order to complete its plans. If it isn't clear, explain how this information fits into the big picture.

The introduction should end with a concise statement of the objectives of the study. That is, it should state exactly what you were trying to accomplish by conducting the study.

Note that all this material should be ready and available from the group leader's presentation.

last update: 01/24/00

Dr. Carl Lund
306 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: MWF 4-5 PM, anytime I'm free, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2211

Mr. Chimin Sang, Teaching Assitant
322 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: 4-5 W, 3-4 F, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2226