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This section can vary widely, depending upon the particular experiments, etc. Generally, what you measured in the procedure has to be analyzed to arrive at the property or variable you really want to investigate. This section should show the results of that analysis (not all the intermediate details). Generally each results should be presented either in a graph or a table, but not both. Some results will be better suited to graphs and others to tables. The results should be compared to what was expected, and any differences should be explained. For example, one expects an Arrhenius plot (ln of a rate constant versus reciprocal temperature) to be a straight line with a negative slope. If you get a positive slope or a curved line, you should point it out and you should offer a reason. (If you can't think of one, you should bring your result to the teaching assistant or the professor and seek their suggestions.)

Reported values should include uncertainties (+/- after values, error bars on graphs and charts). When you compare what was expected to what was observed, you must consider the uncertainty in your measurement. For example you might calculate a "theoretical" pressure drop of 20 psi when you measured a pressure drop of 10 psi. The calculated pressure drop will probably come from other measured variables along with some correlations. You must determine how the the uncertainties in the measured variables propagated through the calculations and report a "theoretical" pressure drop of 20 +/- 6 psi. This must be compared to your measured pressure drop and its associated uncertainty, perhaps 10 +/- 2 psi before you conclude that the two are not in agreement.

The number of visuals needed will depend upon the specific project.

last update: 01/23/00

Dr. Carl Lund
306 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: MWF 4-5 PM, anytime I'm free, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2211

Mr. Chimin Sang, Teaching Assitant
322 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: 4-5 W, 3-4 F, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2226