

Start Solid Edge : Assembly

If Solid Edge is not already running, on the

Start menu, point to Programs, point to Solid Edge

and then click Solid Edge Assembly.






Open a New File and Save





Step 3



Display EdgeBar and arrange the Window


If the EdgeBar tool is not displayed, on the Main Toolbar, click

The EdgeBar button 

On the EdgeBar tool, click the parts Library tab

Step 4


Place the Support part


Select the support part from the Parts Library list in EdgeBar

and then drag into the assembly.



Step 5


Display Assembly PathFinder


On the EdgeBar tool, click the Assembly PathFinder tab




Step 6


Hide the reference planes


Click the right mouse button on the layout to display

the shortcut menu.


On the shortcut menu, click the hide command with

the left mouse button.


Step 7



Place the clamp part

On the EdgeBar  tool, click the Parts Library tab.


In the file list area on the Parts Library tab, select the file named

cramp.par, hold down the left  mouse button, drag the file into the

assembly window, and then release the mouse button.


Step 8


Mate the support part and cramp part


On the Place Part SmartStep ribbon bar, in the relation type list,

click the relationship Types list, click the Mate button.



Step 9


Select the face to mate

In the Place part window, select the right face of clamp.


Step 10


Select the part to which the face will be mated


In the assembly window, select the support part.


Step 11


Select the mating face of the support part


In the Assembly window, select the right face of the support.



Step 12

Finishing mating the piston



On the Place SmartStep ribbon bar, click OK



Step 13


Align the Clamp part and support part

On the Place Part SmartStep ribbon bar, in the relation type list,

click the relationship Types list, click the Axial Align button.



Step 14


Select the Axis to Align

Select the under hole at the end of the clamp part.


Step 15


Select the part to which the axis will be aligned


In the assembly window, select the support part.


Step 16


Select the aligning axis on the support part


In the Assembly window, select the left hole on the support part.



Step 17

Finishing aligning the clamp



On the Place SmartStep ribbon bar, click OK


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