Step 11
Select Reference Component to orient Force
Click on the Small Enclosure part.
Step 12
joint location
Click on the front edge of the upper face of the top portion of the Piston_ConRod (as shown) .
You'll have to zoom in, in order to select the edge.
Step 13
Select Force Direction
Click at the same location to select the force direction.
Step 14
Ignore Gravity
Click on Gravity On and make it off
Step 15
Increase the number of frame
Change Number of frame to 200. Try it with
other numbers and check the results.
Step 16
Change the Force
Change the Force to 0.06N and try it with other values.
Step 17
Click on the Play/Reset button.
Step 18
Plot Results in Graph
Right click on the Piston_ConRod.par and left click
on the X component translation velocity.
Step 19
Make Movie File
Click on Export AVI File button, write file name and
click on OK.