Step 71

Finish aligning 4 bar actuator arm

On the Place Part SmartStep ribbon bar, click OK

 Step 72


Select the move command

On the toolbar on the right side of the screen select Move Part

Step 73

Choose which part to move, 4 bar arm guide  

In the assembly window, select 4 bar arm guide.

Step 74


Select type of motion

 Select the rotate option for the move toolbar on top of the assembly window.

 Step 75

 Select the axis of rotation

Select the axis in the same direction as the joint connecting 4 bar arm guide and 4 bar base

Step 76


 Rotate 4 bar arm guide clockwise

When you see the mouse cursor change into a hand click and hold to rotate the model by hand.  When you get close to the image shown stop.

 Step 77


Select the Select command

On the toolbar on the right side of the screen select the Select command

 Step 78


Select the 4 bar actuator arm

In the Assembly window select 4 bar actuator arm

Step 79



Select the edit command

On the Select ribbon bar select Edit

Step 80

Align 4 bar actuator arm and 4 bar arm guide

On the Place Part SmartStep ribbon bar, in the relation type list,

click the relationship Types list, click the Axial Align button


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