MAE 412/512
Machines and Mechanisms II

Fall 2005


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[ University at Buffalo] - [ College of Engineering ] - [ MAE Department ]

Professor Venkat N. Krovi










(716) 645-2593, x2264


1012 Furnas Hall, North Campus


LECTURES    : M W F, 14:00 - 14:50   -- 104 KNOX  [view map]               

                                    RECITATION  : M, 16:00 - 16:50 --  110 Knox [view map]


TEXT:                         None


Recommended Reading:                

                        Norton, R.L.,“Design of Machinery: An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis
                        of Mechanisms and Machine
s,” 2
nded. New Media Version, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
  (See Website for Book:


OFFICE HOURS:       MW, 15:00 - 16:00




To be announced


E mail



Office Hours




1022 Furnas Hall/ 1014 Furnas Hall



To provide a theoretical and practical foundation for analysis and design of articulated mechanical systems for desired applications.

  • Gain familiarity and understanding of the most commonly used mechanisms (4-bar, 6-bar linkages, cams).
  • Develop skills to analyze the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of mechanisms.
  • Improve understanding of the synthesis of mechanisms for given tasks by design (as opposed to trial and error).
  • Present students with opportunities to work together in teams via group project work.



This course is a detailed treatment of the analysis and synthesis of planar mechanisms including kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms, and cam design. By the end of the semester, the student will have gained a basic knowledge of mechanisms and will have sufficient understanding of the issues and methods to synthesize them in engineering design processes. Computer coding, utilizing existing mechanism software (discussed in class) and a final (group) hardware/software project will be expected.


Topics that will be covered in the course are:

I. Mechanism Design Characteristics

A. Linkages

B. Degrees of Freedom

C. Mechanism Design

D. Grashof Criteria

II. Mechanism Analysis (Graphical/Analytical/Computer based)

A. Displacement Analysis 

B. Velocity Analysis 

C. Acceleration Analysis 


III. Mechanism Synthesis 

A. Motion Generation

B. Path Generation

C. Function Generation

IV. Force Analysis

A. Energy Methods

B. Newton-Euler Formulation

V. Cam Analysis &Design

VI. Review/Project 




  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of concepts (kinematic fundamentals, position analysis, linkage synthesis, velocity analysis, acceleration analysis and force analysis). 
  • Students will demonstrate ability to think creatively, participate in design challenges, and present logical solutions.
  • Students will demonstrate ability to work together on hardware and software projects and prepare written reports, with graphical content, of data and findings.



Assignments will be collected during the class on the day they are due. Papers must be stapled, not folded or paper clipped. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL *NOT* BE ACCEPTED.



The course grade will be based on homework, 2 mid-terms, a project, and a final exam. Each week, there will be assignments. These will be some group assignments, but most are to be completed individually. For the group assignments, different groups will present their solutions and discuss them with the group. The final project is a competitive group project with the competition scheduled in the final 2 weeks of class. The tentative breakdown of marks for the course is:

Homework/Group Problems               10%

Midterms (2)                                        30%

Final Exam                                          40%

Project                                                 20%



Academic dishonesty of any type (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) are grounds for receiving an F in this course. Collaboration on homeworks (including software assignments) is cheating and will result in an F.




If you have problems or comments about the web-site, please email Prof. Krovi (vkrovi(at)