Session 1.8: Integration in Maple

> restart;

> fe1:=sin(x); <- Expression giving a function of x

[Maple Math]

> f:=x->x^2-2*cos(x); <- Mapping function of single variable

[Maple Math]

> int(fe1,x); <- Integral of sin(x)

[Maple Math]

> int(f(t),t); <- Integral of defined function

[Maple Math]

> int(fe1,x=0...3); <- Define limits of integration

[Maple Math]

> evalf(%); <- Evaluate answer

Note : % is used instead of typing in answer

[Maple Math]

> int(f(x),x);

[Maple Math]

> int(f(x),x=-1...1);

[Maple Math]

> int(f(x)*sin(x),x);

[Maple Math]

> sin(x)/f(x); <- Complicated function

[Maple Math]

> int(%,x); <- Maple cannot always calculate the

indefinite integral


[Maple Math]

> evalf(int(sin(x)/f(x),x=0...1));

<- Maple however can calculate the

value of the definite integral over a

specified interval.

[Maple Math]
