Section 1.5 Maple Session: defining expressions

> restart; <- This removes any defined functions from previous sessions

> f1:=sin(x); <- Note the semicolon

[Maple Math]

> f2:=x^2-1: <- Note the colon

> f2; <- We can still list f2

[Maple Math]

> x:=3; <- Now we assign x a value

[Maple Math]

> f1; <- Notice f1 is still defined but x has

been replaced by 3

[Maple Math]

> f2; <- Again x is replaced by 3 but the

expression has been evaluated in f2

[Maple Math]

> evalf(f1); <- Used to evaluate and obtain a numeric value for sin(3)

[Maple Math]

> x:=2.1; <- Define x as a real number and not an integer

[Maple Math]

> f2; <- f2 evaluates to become a real number: 2.1^2-1

[Maple Math]

> f1; <- sin(2.1) evaluates as well.

[Maple Math]
