"Term projects"

Group # Topic Group/Individual
1 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Yoghurt and Cheese(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Yoghurt and Cheese(doc)
CUMMINGS, ADAM D adc4@acsu.buffalo.edu
HESS, DAVID M dmhess@acsu.buffalo.edu
PATEL, BRYAN A bapatel@acsu.buffalo.edu
ZHANG, HONGWANG hzhang5@acsu.buffalo.edu
2 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Ice-cream(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Ice-cream(doc)
CHANG, YUSUO BOB ybchang@buffalo.edu
KUECHLE, JOSEPH B jkuechle@buffalo.edu
REESE, TRAVIS S tsreese@buffalo.edu
SAINT LOUIS, PIERRE M saint@acsu.buffalo.edu
3 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Mayonaise and Margarine (ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Mayonaise and Margarine(doc)
CHOONG, KAR-CHAN kchoong@acsu.buffalo.edu
DORSHEIMER, JOSEPH M jmd12@acsu.buffalo.edu
MCLAUGHLIN, BARRY F bfm@acsu.buffalo.edu
ZIENTEK, ANTHONY J azientek@acsu.buffalo.edu
4 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Chocolate(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Chocolate(doc)
MUNSHI, SHUSHAN Z munshi@acsu.buffalo.edu
OOI, CHIN KOK chinooi@acsu.buffalo.edu
SIA, TECK YU tecksia@acsu.buffalo.edu
VERMA, ANSHU averma@acsu.buffalo.edu
5 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Beer and Wine(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Beer and Wine(doc)
BOHNSACK, DAVID A bohnsack@acsu.buffalo.edu
PRASADI, DANNIS R dprasadi@eng.buffalo.edu
REINIG, JEFFREY W jwreinig@acsu.buffalo.edu
WETZEL, ELIZABETH A eawetzel@eng.buffalo.edu
6 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Make-up and Lipstick(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Make-up and Lipstick(doc)
CHAIN, KOK KEONG kokchain@acsu.buffalo.edu
LE, DIEUHANH THI dtle@acsu.buffalo.edu
MCLAUGHLIN, KELLY E kem1@eng.buffalo.edu
VAN NATTER, RAINEE M rmvan@buffalo.edu
7 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Shampoo(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Shampoo(doc)
DASILVA, VITOR P dasilva@acsu.buffalo.edu
FULCHER, DANIEL P dfulcher@acsu.buffalo.edu
WANG, JUN jwang6@acsu.buffalo.edu
8 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Hair conditioner(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Hair conditioner(doc)
ALVA NIETO, JUAN CARLOS jca4@acsu.buffalo.edu
RIVERS, ANTHONY J ajrivers@acsu.buffalo.edu
YONG, KEN-TYE kyong2@acsu.buffalo.edu
9 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Moisturizing lotion(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Moisturizing lotion(doc)
ASHBERY, JASON L jashbery@acsu.buffalo.edu
DANNER, JONATHAN J jjdanner@acsu.buffalo.edu
HUANG, HAOHAO hhuang5@acsu.buffalo.edu
VORREUTER, LEIGH N lnv@acsu.buffalo.edu
10 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Sunscreen lotion(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Sunscreen lotion(doc)
DOYLE, MATTHEW B mbdoyle@acsu.buffalo.edu
GU, ZHIYONG zgu@acsu.buffalo.edu
GIKANDI, WILLIAM W wgikandi@acsu.buffalo.edu
SALIH, KASSIM S kssalih@acsu.buffalo.edu
11 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Liquid laundry detergent(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Liquid laundry detergent(doc)
BOEK, DANIEL JOSEPH djboek@acsu.buffalo.edu
INDIVINO, ERIKA L indivino@acsu.buffalo.edu
MARSO, KATHERINE ANN marso@acsu.buffalo.edu
SMOLLAR, KAREY A ksmollar@acsu.buffalo.edu
12 Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Disinfectants(ppt)
Colloid and surface phenomena aspects of Disinfectants(doc)
JACQUES, E REGINALD ejacques@acsu.buffalo.edu
LAU, GARRET CHI-HO gclau@acsu.buffalo.edu
NG, CARLA A carlang@buffalo.edu
SAHA, PINTU A pasaha@acsu.buffalo.edu