
Plastics in the Microwave Oven
CE 435
Presented by: Daniel Fulcher
Christopher Hunter
Martin Schaefer
April 17, 2001

U.S. households owning a microwave oven increased from 15% in 1980 to 78% by 1989
Gorman’s New Product News reported the number of new microwave product introductions increased from 278 in 1986 to almost 1000 in 1988
Microwave frequency of ~2.45 GHz ensures effective penetration into the food and even food heating
Annual revenues of 3 billion dollars

Max temperatures of 230oF for microwave ovens and 400oF for dual oven applications
Containers should be sturdy, rigid in shape and capable of supporting its contents
Limited migration of additives, colorants, or fillers
Federal Food and Drug Administrative approval

Home Meal Replacement Packaging

HMR Packaging
Crystallized polyethylene terephthalate (CPET)
Polyphenylene oxide, high impact polystyrene blend (PPO/HIPS)

CPET Morphology
Heterochain, modified homopolymer with ~30% Crystallinity
Step growth condensation polymerization reaction of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol

CPET Properties
Crystallization of PET increases the upper temperature resistance from 230°F to 400°F
Balance between strength properties and temperature resistance
Crystallinity of 28%-32% and an intrinsic viscosity of .85 to .95
Two-layer structure of CPET and APET

CPET Properties
Good O2 and CO2 barrier properties
Acceptable water barrier properties
Easily colored with black carbon

CPET Processing
In 2000, 84 million pounds produced at ~.52  $/lb
Eastman Chemical Company produces CPET resin under the product name of VersaTray®
Vacuum Snap-Back Thermoforming

CPET Processing

PPO/HIPS Morphology
Fully miscible blended amorphous polymer
Noryl®  manufactured by General Electric Plastics
Noryl® PPO/HIPS blend is approximately 25% PPO and 75% HIPS by weight

PPO Morphology
Heterochain homopolymer
Created by a free-radical, step-growth, oxidative-coupling polymerization

HIPS Morphology
Grafted copolymer of cis-1,4-poly(1,3-butadiene) and styrene monomer
Polystyrene chains are atactic
2% to 15% by weight of polybutadiene

HIPS Morphology
Polystyrene (PS) and polybutadiene phase separate creating compartmentalized regions
Polybutadiene forms small, dispersed globules within the polymer structure

PPO/HIPS Properties
Improvements in final blend properties are in direct proportion to the amount of PPO added
PPO is added to HIPS to increase temperature resistance from approximately 180°F to 230°F
Blending with HIPS improves PPO’s low resin flow characteristics

PPO/HIPS Properties
Small, dispersed globules of polybutadiene elastomer within the PS improves the blend impact strength
PPO improves the poor gaseous and water vapor barrier properties of HIPS
Easily colored with black carbon

PPO/HIPS Processing
High intensity mixer required to ensure accurate blending during extrusion
Thermoforming on equipment designed for PS
Thermoform-Fill-Seal process

HMR Covers
Heat-seal the food containers
Most widely used film is multi-layer polypropylene
Adhesives cause complications in migration testing
PP is a low cost packaging film ~.53$/lb

Food Storage Containers

Polypropylene (PP) Morphology
Zieglar-Natta polymerization
Isotactic is crystalline, atactic  is amorphous

PP Chain Structure
PP is a blend of atactic and isotactic

PP Properties
Properties and processability determined by isotacticity

PP Processing
1550 million pounds produced in 2000 at ~ .53  $/lb.
Injected or blow molded
INSPIRE® PP produced by Dow Plastics

The code of federal regulations provides guidance on polymers allowed in the direct contact of food.
Article 177 presents data specific to each polymer
Composition specifications, allowable coatings, modifiers, emulsifiers, and testing criteria

CPET Regulations
Article 177.1630
Emulsifier < 2.0 percent of the dry weight
Additional substances allowed must be generally recognized as safe by the FDA
< 0.02 mg/in2 of chloroform-soluble extractives for heptane and distilled water migration tests

PPO/HIPS Regulations
Articles 177.1810 and 177.2460
PS: molecular weight > 29,000 and soluble in toluene
Maximum extractable fractions of chloroform in distilled water and 50% ethanol are 0.0039 mg/cm2
PPO: intrinsic viscosity > 0.30 deciliter/gram
 < 0.02 weight percent extractable with n-heptane

PP Regulations
Article 177.1520
Density of 0.880 -0.913 and m.p. 160 °C - 180 °C
Maximum extractable fraction of n-hexane is 6.4%
Maximum soluble fraction of xylene is 9.8%

Testing and Health Issues
No specific requirements for microwave food containers
FDA provides guidance for proper microwave migration testing protocols
Migration tests using food simulants (e.g. cooking oil)
Migration testing at the highest cooking temperature

Testing and Health Issues
Size and type of food, cooking time, and food geometry play part in the maximum temperature
Consult with FDA before deciding on a migration testing protocol for microwave only containers
Plasticizers have been linked to endocrine disorders
Further study needed to determine possible health risks due to migration of polymer additives

Primary polymer materials: CPET, PPO/HIPS, PP
Applications ranging from single use HMR to repeated use food storage containers
Essentially no health risks
Cost effective containers


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