CE 428 Home Page
Home General Info Mock Expt CSTR Distillation Bubble PFR


This is the web site for CE 428, the fourth and final Chemical Engineering Lab course in the undergraduate CE curriculum at SUNY-Buffalo. Professor Carl Lund is the instructor for the course, and Mr. Chimin Sang is the teaching assistant. The bottom of every page on this web site contains information on contacting Dr. Lund and the teaching assistant.

The intention in using this web-site as the primary means for presenting the course is not to eliminate student-teacher contact, but instead to allow more effective use of student-teacher contact time. Please feel free to make full and thorough use of the office hours listed below.

Bookmark this page and check it regularly. Announcements and updates will be posted here.

Special Announcement Box:

4/25/00 - Everyone, including group leaders, should come to class Friday afternoon. In addition to the last quiz, the course evaluations will be filled out at that time.

4/24/00 - The written reports from experiment 3 and the oral reports from experiment 4 have been graded and given to Chimin. They can be picked up once he's had time to record the grades.

4/14/00 - I have posted all the distillation data I've received so far.

4/5/00 - PFR reports may be picked up from Chimin. The distillation section is ready for use. Note that if your group does not have a group leader then no one needs to take the group leader's quiz and an oral presentation does not need to be prepared. However, someone in the group must arrange with Chimin to do the experiment, and the group must prepare and submit a written report. Each group member should fill out the group leader report on the other two members.

3/24/00 - The data are posted in the cstr section.

3/22/00 - The bubble cap written report, post lab quiz 2, and pre-lab quiz 3 are all graded and will be given to Chimin this afternoon. They can be picked up from him after he's had time to record the grades. I hope I'll finish the remaining written reports in a more timely manner.

3/16/00 - CSTR section is updated. Note that only the final steady-state data will be utilized for analysis

2/25/00 - The data are posted in the pfr section or here.

2/25/00 - The PFR data will be posted a little later today. Beware that we have discovered that there was an equipment malfunction sometime during the week. This malfunction was corrected later in the week. This raises the possibility that some of the data may not be accurate; I'll leave it to you to decide. Chimin has summarized the sequence of events here.

2/15/00 - Chimin found that a change was needed in the data spreadsheet for the PFR. A new data sheet has been posted.

2/15/00 - The PFR experiment will use the same procedure as last year; there have been no changes to that part of the web site.

2/8/00 - Pre-lab quiz 1 is graded and can be picked up from Chimin.

2/8/00 - PowerPoint presentations containing the overheads used in the class lecture on error analysis have been added to the general section of the web site. Note: these are in the process of being revised, so there are a few slides where stuff still has to be added.

2/4/00 - The bubble cap data are posted here.

2/3/00 - The second experiment will be the PFR, the third will be the CSTR, and the last will be the batch distillation. Please be aware that right now these sections of the web site are NOT up to date. I expect to change the procedure for the CSTR in particular. Chemicals, etc. should remain about the same, so you can start getting MSDSs and worrying about health and safety issues.

2/3/00 - A few of you have asked about the order of the remaining experiments. I hope to add those to the group assignment page by Monday. (They all need some repairs, and we need to determine which one we can get into working order fastest and which one we'll need the most time for.) I also hope to bring a handout (one per group) to class on Friday that provides some of the correlations, etc. for the bubble cap experiment. I can't post these here as they are copyrighted materials.

1/31/00 - I'm sorry I had to miss class on 1/28/00; I had a last minute emergency. This Friday, 2/4/00 at 4:00pm in 262 Capen I will present the material I had intended to present on the 28th. I'll cover error propagation, oral reports, and written reports. I've re-posted the .pdf files in the general, mock expt., and bubble sections with embedded fonts. This should allow them to print properly on any system. Please let me know if there are still problems printing them.

1/25/00 - The general, mock experiment, and bubble sections are now up to date. I'm working on fixing the .pdf files so that they print correctly.

1/19/00 - The web site is not yet up to date; I'm working on the general info section which is about one-half updated. All the other sections are last year's version!

1/18/00 - First class meeting will be on Friday 1/21/00 at 4:00pm in 262 Capen. Right now everything on this web site (except this page) is last year's version. There will be some significant changes this year.


last update: 04/25/00

Dr. Carl Lund
306 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: MWF 4-5 PM, anytime I'm free, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2211
E-mail: lund@eng.buffalo.edu

Mr. Chimin Sang, Teaching Assitant
322 Furnas Hall
Office Hours: 4-5 W, 3-4 F, or by appointment
Phone (with voice mail): 645-2911 x2226
E-Mail: csang@eng.buffalo.edu