Movies: Project A


A.I.: Volcano Explorer


A.I.(Artificial Idiot) is designed for volcano explorer. The functions of AI are finding nearest object and following, avoiding obstacles, following light source and going back and scanning when obstacle is too close. Namely, finding object is the function of tracing objects on the ground to find right way on the map. Next, avoiding obstacle is to find a way to go when there is an obstacle not shown on the map and then following light source is for last mission for A.I that keep following light source and sending the earth temperature to the base station. Finally, going back and scanning again when obstacle is too close is to get enough space for turning. At the end of each action, A.I sends the earth temperature to the base station. 



Finding nearest object and following: First A.I scans object every 30 degree and scans ±45 degree with every 15 degree. After scanning, It goes to the object and stops in front of the object and then sends the earth temperature to the base station. [AVI MOVIE]

 Avoiding obstacle: If there are obstacles, it scans and finds a way to go and sends the earth temperature to the base station. [AVI MOVIE]

Following light source: At the final mode of A.I, it scans light source, follows it and keeps sending the earth temperature to the base station. [AVI MOVIE]

 Going back and scanning again when obstacle is too close: When obstacle is too close and can not get enough space to turning and scanning, A.I will move back and scan again. [AVI MOVIE]

Closing up view of the radar scanning. [AVI MOVIE]